Thursday, July 8, 2010

Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

me with baby Huan Huan "Happy Happy". she loved me the first day and then she bonded with our translator Emma and wanted nothing to do with me after that! but i enjoyed seeing her light up the room with her smile. she sobbed hysterically today when she was put in the van to return to the orphanage. because the children were so young, BMH staff asked us not to cry. VERY challenging. she did not want to return to the orphanage. hopefully it will not be for long, as she is in the process of being adopted by chinese parents.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Kelly & Bob Fitzpatrick <> wrote:
i am not sure what images (if any) will attach to the blog. i am trying. you will have to guess who is who since i cannot itemize each photo.

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