Tuesday, July 20, 2010

we are alive!

so sorry that is has been so long since we have updated. the internet is sketchy here and only works in 5min increments. let me give you the quickest news:

kristen is out of bed and has rejoined the living. yeah! she is feeling better but not healed. 

bethany chose to STAY UP even though she is feeling ill. she decided that if she stopped, she wouldn;t be able to go again.

the rest of us are well enough to be enjoying all the activites;

here are the names of the team members:

our translator is corben and our two boys are both 13yo-paul and timothy. so sweet and smiling. timothy is very persistent and has learned basketball, and fountain escaping, along with pottery so far. he just keeps on.

kristen has lily as trans and kayla (17yo) as orphan

bethany has phoebee as trans and two boys who are in the process of being adopted by their volunteer family fromBMH last summer! YIPEE! their names are joseph and richard. 

mom has phaylee as trans and two boys, albert and, oh dear, i forgot the other boys name!

we just returned from pottery and playing in the fountains at the Big Goose Pagoda in the square. it was amazing!

peter is doing much better. since there are so many families here, they 

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