Sunday, July 18, 2010

sunday in the country with 1.6 billion people

and i feel pretty sure a good portion of them were at the terra cotta warrior museum today! the masses of humans!!!

it was pretty magnificent. america is such a baby country compared to the long and storied history of china. we all enjoyed our sight seeing today. even if we were all a bit tired still. we had fellowship this morning with a bunch of Family Members and sang songs to our Dad. it was really sweet. there are three other complete families here with their young children not including ours, so we are so excited to meet others daring to take on this kind of adventure. now that we are back to "work" we are looking of forward to meeting them all. i already forgot their names (remember, we met them early this morning after little sleep and no breakfast). i will introduce them all later. 

did i mention that we have officially run out of all our american food? there was mourning. but we have our first xi'an meal in an hour so we will keep you posted on that experience--dumplings at a restaurant where we will meet all our translators.

after our tour of the terra cotta warriors--we ate at subway (cheering! kristen said it was JUST what she was craving. we are all tired of kfc!) and our translator ivonne (she loves twilight and harry potter and tried to interrogate the girls but they were clueless!) haggled for us as we did our first souvenir shopping. fun day.

still talk to our Father about peter. his behavior is very mercurial. he is so very overtired and over stimulated and under-routine--sweet boy. none of us recognize him at times.

i have to tell you how many times our four blond-haired blue-eyed girls were photographed today. when we first arrived two weeks ago, we all found it awkward and intrusive that the chinese are so bold to just grab us and ask to be photographed but now our "starlets" just smile and wave like they are used to it. funny!

when we are not serving, we all admitted that we feel a bit lonesome for home. but every time the kids show up we are renewed and excited. expectant of their arrival tomorrow morning! thanks for joining us in asking, seeking,  knocking!

gotta run. hope all is well with our loved ones. we miss you. 

ps  expect no photos. the internet is slow and temperamental here. so sorry. i promise to post them all when we return :) we got some great photos. so did quite a few chinese people of hubbs girls :)

ps continued requests for health for reilly, kate and me. deep cough that interrupts sleep would be great if it went bye-bye. and kristen sounds congested as if she is headed towards this nasty bug. 

ps and of course for good connections with our new "families" :)


  1. Hello Team China! I've tried to send you comments 3 different times, but I just can't seem to get it right! Hopefully this will work. I've been talking to Father very often about all of you. I'm so excited about the new sister in our Family! Hooray! I cried when I read that yesterday. I've been talking to Father about Harvey too, and for Dr. Jekyll to just be Mr. Hyde. Poor Peter; it must be a huge culture shock for him. Father knows all about it! I will continue to talk to Dad about your health, especially for stomachs to heal and coughs to subside and go away. One more week to go! Father and I are so very proud of all of you and love you so much! I can't believe you actually got to see the Terra Cotta Warriors! I can't wait to hear all of your adventures, especially the ones involving the orphans. Dad and I talk daily and every night concerning you. Have an awesome last week with the kids! We love you!
    Love, Heather

  2. Swetheart,
    Sounds like your last week is off and running with a bang. It was great to here that you all arrive safely and that the trip wasn't too bad. I can't wait to see who is your final family for the week and I continue to ask our father to watch over and take care of all your needs. Tell everyone that they are well missed by all and it should be quite a celebration when they come home. By the way, your flowers have errupted in the front yard and they are truly wonderful and in such full bloom! I hope they stay that way for you guys to see because they are great.

