Tuesday, July 20, 2010


okay. i have a few extra moments as samuel is ill :( and i am in our room with him while he rests. he has a fever and is not eating. please talk to the father about health for the team. 

the team is meeting for our first orientation as i type! so exciting. there are five extra volunteers in addition to our ten! one of the guys who arrived from california this morning turns out to be a family friend's son--tyler curtis. He is knitting this team together. we have 24 young kids coming. swimming is the first thing on the schedule--which is thrilling to my kids because the pool is so magnificent. photo will come soon.peter LOVES the bathing caps and even wore his at the beach where they are not required.

 i think we are beginning to figure stuff out. our room was just installed with wifi! now to set up skype and photo downloads. i know we will not have much time for these things since we have a busy schedule (kristen will be teaching a piano class, reilly ballet, and kickboxing for me--no laughing!). we have no laundry access so that is the only "roughing it" so far. 

we are not in yantai. the name of the province is nanshan at a nanshan wellness recreation center. sorta like lawerence welk resort villas. they hope to build up a vacation spot where follks come here for their vacations but live elsewhere. so we are not suffering! our team hospitality staff took us to the beach yesterday complete with hot dogs and oreos! we even had fireworks but every member of team china was too pooped to watch. jet lag is finally settling down but it was just an ordinary late night. our sweet teens are early to bed girls and of course our children are as well. so the 11pm  fireworks were heard but not observed. oh well.

it is absolutely beautiful here. lush and green and clean. the humidity and heat are the only drawbacks. and the pollution. there is a mine near us that keeps the sky from being blue. and the only place for a/c is in our rooms. but we weren't even expecting air conditioning so we have all been feeling spoiled. david from BMH said they have NEVER had accommodations like this year. 

we took our first trip into the tiny town nearby using a shuttle. we draw quite the crowds. all these blond girls with french braids. that seems to be a part of the four girls uniform--braids! go kristen go! wish is could share with you the video they made in their free time yesterday. glad to have it as blackmail for any story telling they may be inclined  to enjoy when we return! 

peter is a favorite. and he is being a trooper. in usa he would NEVER let anyone treat him like a baby. but he is soaking it all up.i can not tell you how often a sweet chinese lady picks him up, kisses him. giggles when he says hello in chinese and then asks to take his picture. it is fun. i am proud of him. and all the kids. bethany has the dubious award of being the only person on team china to try EVERY single thing at every single meal! so brave! we are served between 8-10 courses a meal so you can understand what an accomplishment this is. the teens are making me so proud. last night kristen had an entire beach watching her bump the volley ball. and their pick-up soccer game was well recorded by bethany's paparazzi! i won;t tell you about their audience at the pool. in chinese culture, it is acceptable to stare. and they sure do. esp at our lovely twins. 

okay--that is enough for now. i will let you know about the buddies and translators we are assigned to today. so you can begin to talk to our father about each one by name. thanks for being interested and partnering with us in this. kelly fo rteam china 


  1. So, so glad to hear from you as we have missed the updates as we check for them often in the day! Thankful sweet Peter is doing better. Will be talking a lot about Samuel. Love, Kim B.

  2. Hi Samuel I Hope you feel better soon. Will be talking a lot to our father about you. I have enjoyed hearing about your adventures in china.
    from Asher B.

  3. Hi Reilly,
    I was so glad to see more updates from you and your family. I enjoy hearing about your adventures in China and about all the children and teens that you meet at BMH. Its so neat that you get to minister and bless the children there.
    Its really exciting that you will be teaching ballet classes this week! I can't wait to hear about how they go. Please post pictures of them if you get the chance.
    I hope that you, your family, Bethany, and Kristen will all have a great rest of the time in China and a good flight home, And that you will all stay healthy. I will continue to talk to our father about you. Love, Anna B.

  4. Wow, Mom and Dad, and of course Samuel. Their is One who knows and sees all things, and when trials occur, we know that that One has the best of purposes in mind, and will work it all for good for those who are enamored of Him and are called according to his will.

    Hang in there Samuel. I hate to see my girls and boys suffer, and it is so much harder when you are away from the comfort of your own bed and home. You too Mom and Dad.

    You all know how I tend to think highly of traditional and alternative remedies. I have heard that they taste awful to westerners, but Chinese remedies are well known all over the world. If you are looking for relief, maybe you would consider a local Chinese herbalist? Probably not, but then, that's just me.

    You know that one of the parts of your trip that make me envious is the opportunity to go to the beach so much. I love to swim and I so very miss the beach, waves, and bodysurfing. Enjoy it for me and my family, perhaps we can enjoy it with you vicariously?

    It is so good to get your updates and to hear all that is going on, we wish you could have more voice in all that you see and hear and experience, so we will have to wait for your return to hear it "in person".

    Thanks again and blessings on you all.

    May you be always in His grip.

    James B.

  5. Dear peter, i hope that your having a great time.
    Do you like to go swimming? i really like to go swimming.it was great to see the pictures of you.
    i liked the picture of you being a tiger. From your friend, Lucas

  6. Hi Kate,
    I hope that you are doing good. And that you are feeling better. Tell Samuel that i am talking to our Father about him and asking that he feels better soon. I've missed getting letters from you. Yesterday I found some older ones you had sent me and I enjoyed rereading them.
    Sounds like you have had a lot of fun swimming there in the pool and at the beach, I wish I could join you. Thankfully though we have not had real bad wasps this year around the pool ... so far.
    We have three hens sitting on eggs in the chicken house. Hopefully they will hatch. All of goats are doing good. And the baby goats you cannot pick up any more. Too bad. Although they are still cute.
    Joshua is doing good and growing fast. He is a very alert big, little newborn and he holds his head up a lot and when you hold him he just simply stares at you most of the time. And when he is crying, most of the time, if you just take him back to the swamp-cooler for a minute, he will just quiet right down. He also is very cute and handsome.
    I miss you Kate. Love you.
    Love Kyra B.
