Friday, July 23, 2010

we have completed our mission!

the kids are gone back to their orphanages, our job is done. it was a sweet week. neat relationships were formed. reilly had the opportunity to share the Truth with bethany's translator. this week was completely different than our last two. we will wait until home to tell you all the neat experiences, and not so neat ones :) but our internet connection is always sketchy. 

we leave tomorrow at noon for the long flight to beijing and then on to LAX. we are all glad to be coming home. it was an amazing summer but we are exhausted. not weary of doing good--just done with our work here for now. thanks for partnering with us.

kristen is well now (i sent an email on wed letting you all know but it cut it off!) and bethany stayed up the entire time. such troopers. now focus your talking on kate as she has the stomach flu--and vomited 20 times like night. so sad. little sweet pea. thanks for asking for His mercies. travelling with the tummy troubles is unmentionable. and ask that the rest of the team stays well for the more than 20 hours of flight (barring delays like last week!). so we really would like a smooth trip home with no complications. thanks for asking with us. if not, then endurance and patience within this tired crowd. 

and feel bad for our seat mates--we haven';t had clean laundry for a week and we are all wearing the least dirty things home :) i won;t tell you about the showering situation but lets just say that i have a hard time getting my boys to shower and brush teeth in usa--it is impossible here since the well water smells like the eggs we eat every morning for breakfast. only worse. :)

okay, no more nasty details. there are much more wonderful details to dwell on. lovely, noble, praisweworthy things. can't wait to share it with you all. stay tuned for a good update when we arrive home safely. we are changed. for the good. 

love and smiles, team china


  1. Homeward bound! Our hearts are full of joy and anticipation to have our dear friends back. Changed forever, but back. We will certainly bring Kate before the throne and all of you for the HUGE trip home.

    Peace, patience, sleep, ease, smooth and fast. Those are all the words that come to mind. I hope returning to CA won't be too difficult either. Love to all!

  2. Praying for a safe trip with no tummy problems. Can't wait to hear all the stories you have to share!

  3. We will pray for Kate I hope she feels better. Hope you have a safe trip home. We miss you and can't wait intil we see you guys. Love ya.Great job team china.

    Love: Hannah Limon
