Wednesday, July 7, 2010

thursday in china

so sorry that i am the only one who has been posting. it is extremely difficult to find free time to connect with home. yesterday, the twins chose resting over emailing. no offense. they are just working really hard.
good news: samuel and abby and mary are all up and about. mosquitoes are lunching on many of us so that has been an irritant. and ALL are suffering from upset tummy-D :0 so something to ask about with our daddy.
it is much cooler here which is also good news and worthy of thanking Him for. our schedule revolves around play, eating, toileting, and keeping cool. today's water park was sans water since the staff is reluctant to see us waste so much water while the children runn through it. too bad.
some important news:
bob had 2hr conversation with his translator while his "kids" slept and it was meaningful. michael instigated conversation about what happens "after" since his beloved g-ma has cancer. so he is asking. the HS helped bob and the talk was tender and honest. michael shared that he does not talk much about important matters with others so he said bob was special. bob is esp touched and asked for all to join in seeking the father for the Way for michael.
i had a lovely chat with echo during family time. while kate painted happy's toenails and little tree dressed dolls, she and i learned about our walks with the father. even though she is only new in family and only 24--she is very wise and trusting. i was inspired. she works as a adoption agency translator and loves to meet couples of the faith who are loving chinese girls from her province.
no real deep conversation with emma since she is so busy with happy. please ask for a set aside moment for talks about deep things. the staff here have a special place in their heart for her as she has had a hard life and they long for her to have a homecoming.
overall, we have to adjust all daily schedules as they were planned with 8yo  and older in mind. since most are much littler it requires being flexible and change. my main goal has been to smile smile smile. and give gifts. may they one day remember the lady who smiled that summer!
xiao shu--little tree--is very possessive and we have called her "camel girl" she SPITS at me when she is feeling neglected. since i have a 3yo orphan and five of my own on my lap often, this has occurred more than once. so there is something specific to talk about. just wanting to have her know that i have enough love for all 7 of them--because of my daddy.
huan huan-happy happy--has 3 chinese families awaiting to adopt her so she is a prima donna. it is funny to see her boss peter around. i so wish i could download photos but you can check the BMH blog or website since i think the staff are making a flickr update and newsletter. you may see a few of our faces. i promise to post bunches when we return. oh their smiles and the sweet sound of their giggles. kristen's jack LOVES to sing and he has the best giggle. i can't download that. or the way that he calls her mama and waits with open arms when she is away from him. too tender for words alone.
keep talking and talking and talking. i don't want to spoil any of the girls updates or my mom's so i will hunt them down (and maybe wake them up!) and send them for a post! have mercy on them for not staying too in contact. i imagine on weekends we will have a bit more time for home. until then, bye for kelly and team

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