Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Passport Lady

Passport Lady, I am not. Next time I will leave the post office to that job. In my efforts to scrimp and save, I took photos and cut and pasted them for the Visa applications myself. The other photos were so bad I cannot even post them here.

Our way has been smooth since we said, "YES!" to God's request this summer. Mostly snafoo-free. I won't tell you about the few bumps: Visa drama, luggage weight discrepancies (evidently only first class fliers get 70 lbs of luggage!), head colds and hormonal imbalance :) We are good to go! 

All our bags are packed and we're ready to go!

Our friends, The Bolts, will fly out in a few hours. We are so excited to be meeting up with them on the other side of the world!

Join us tonight for an evening of worship and prayer to send us off covered in prayer. Call me for details!

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