Sunday, July 11, 2010

obviously these are random and out of order. these photos were taken last week with the orphans from week one camp. i wanted you to see asseembly time and family time. we have so much fun singing and acting out stories and chasing bubbles.


  1. Hi Guys!

    Great photos! just wanted to let you know that our weather here is the same as yours, (no kidding!), it was 75 and RAINING today. And frankly, I'm not enjoying that sweaty-skin-new-jersey-turnpike feeling, so I can imagine how you all are feeling a couple weeks into MUGGY.

    Have a great day! Enjoy the love from above as you offer yourselves, as living lambs in service to One greater than ourselves... Run the Race unencumbered; Fight the Good Fight and Finish Strong Today!

    love, Brian

    P.S. Had Dinner with David, a great time. I won't tell you what we ate but it did NOT involve tofu...

  2. These are great! We are always checking for more photos. Can't wait to hear about and see the new children coming this week. Must of been nice to get some vanilla ice cream, didn't know that they had that flavor there...The only flavors I heard of there were charcoal, Snake, Scorpion and Octopus! I enjoyed reading what Reilly, Kate and Samuel wrote. Just to let you know the mosquitoes are real bad here to0.
    Love, Kyra
